A note about memberships
"Regional" members are members of SoCal SETAC only. Membership to the regional SoCal chapter of SETAC grants you access to our newsletter, local dinner meetings, and our regional annual meeting, among other benefits listed below. A separate application fee is required to maintain an "Active" status for SETAC North America. A national SETAC membership is separate and can be purchased here.
Professional Memberships
Professional members should have applied experience/education in environmental sciences or engineering, toxicology or chemistry, or conducted research in areas related to the chapter's stated goals and purposes. Professional membership fee for the Regional chapter is $50/calendar year.
Student Memberships
Student Members are persons who share the stated purpose of the Chapter and are students showing promise of becoming qualified for Member status at a later date. Student members must be actively engaged in an academic curriculum leading toward a career in the environmental sciences or engineering, toxicology or chemistry. Student membership fee is $20/calendar year.
Sponsor Memberships
Sponsor members are Corporate/Institutional members who are interested in helping foster the goals and purposes of the chapter. More information about sponsorships can be found here.
Community Memberships
The SoCal SETAC Chapter is open to anyone with an interest in environmental sciences or engineering, toxicology or chemistry. ("Regional" members are members of SoCal SETAC only, whereas "Active" members are members of both SoCal SETAC and SETAC). Community membership fee (Regional and Active) is $50/calendar year.
Emeritus Memberships
Emeritus members are recognized by the Board of Directors for their outstanding contributions to the environmental sciences and who have demonstrated active participation in SETAC. Emeritus membership is honorary.
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Membership benefits
Professional and Emeritus Membership Benefits:
Quarterly newsletter containing Southern California environmental news updates, status of public and private monitoring programs, university news, bulletin board, and more.
Opportunity to interact with other environmental scientists and engineers from government, academia, business and public sectors.
Opportunity to present research at annual conferences and special meetings. Reduced registration fees at annual conferences and special meetings.
Annual membership directory.
May serve on the Board of Directors.
May serve as an Officer (e.g., President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer).
May vote in general Board elections.
Student Membership Benefits:
Quarterly newsletter containing Southern California environmental news updates, status of public and private monitoring programs, university news, bulletin board, and more.
Opportunity to interact with other students as well as environmental scientists and engineers from government, academia, business and public sectors.
Opportunity to present research at annual conferences and special meetings, and participate in student presentation/poster award(s).
Reduced registration fees at annual conferences and special meetings.
Reduced membership fees.
Sustaining Membership Benefits:
Half page advertisement in the quarterly newsletter.
Single one-year membership.
Sustaining Member recognized with company logo (no advertisement) in a “Thank You” letter written from Chapter President in the Annual Meeting Program.
Community Membership Benefits:
Quarterly newsletter containing Southern California environmental news updates, status of public and private monitoring programs, university news, bulletin board, and more.
Opportunity to interact with other environmental scientists and engineers from government, academia, business and public sectors.
Opportunity to present research at annual conferences and special meetings. Reduced registration fees at annual conferences and special meetings.
Annual membership directory.
May serve on the Board of Directors. (Two open positions)
May vote in general Board elections.