2020 Fall Virtual Meeting
October 16th from 2-4 PM
SoCal SETAC hosted a virtual fall meeting in lieu of our typical fall dinner meeting. SoCal SETAC students and recent graduates gave short lightning talks on their research. In addition, our 2019-2020 winner of the graduate student research grant, Jade Johnson (SDSU – School of Public Health), presented her research on using non-target analytical approaches to evaluate decentralized wastewater treatment systems for contaminants of emerging concern. Our final segment of the event provided a networking opportunity for the presenting students and the attendees of the event, focused on professional development topics.
2020 Spring Dinner Meeting
On Wednesday, March 11, SoCal SETAC hosted Richard Gersberg (San Diego State University) and Goran Bozinovic at Leucadia Pizzeria in Encinitas.
2019 Fall Dinner Meeting
On October 16, 2019, SoCal SETAC hosted Richard Gossett from Physis Environmental Laboratories (Anaheim) who discussed sediment contaminant concentrations from the EPA National Coastal Condition Assessment Program and compared the data to those collected in California Bight 13 survey.

Richard Gossett is an environmental chemist and the owner of Physis
Environmental Laboratories in Anaheim. Gossett specializeds on GCMS analyses and expanded his analytical expertise into organophosphorus pesticides, pyrethroids, neonicotinoids,
and contaminants of emerging concern.
2019 Spring Dinner Meeting

On March 7th, SoCal SETAC hosted Regina Wetzer from the LA Natural History Museum who presented a fascinating talk on "Linking specimen-based marine biodiversity with state of the art genetic tools to greatly accelerate understanding of our changing oceans."
Regina Wetzer is Associate Curator and Director of the Marine Biodiversity Center at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM) since 1999. She is currently working with an extraordinary team of Invertebrate Collections Managers who collectively oversee, curate, and manage the great diversity of animals (35 phyla) in the LACM marine invertebrate collections. Her research interests include exploring evolutionary hypotheses involving previously unexplained life history traits, homoplastic morphological features, and biogeographic distributions.In 2016 Wetzer and her team launched the Diversity Initiative for the Southern California Ocean (DISCO) at the LACM. This research initiative is greatly enhancing biodiversity documentation in the marine environment by applying modern genetic technology. [https://research.nhm.org/]
2018 Fall Dinner Meeting
On October 10, 2018, SoCal SETAC hosted University of California Riverside's Dr. Andrew Gray who discussed watershed-scale management, sediment dynamics, and their roles in managing aquatic system health.

Dr. Andrew Gray is an Assistant Professor of Watershed Hydrology at the University of California, Riverside in the Department of Environmental Sciences. His research group investigates the roles of fluvial sediments in determining water quality and fluvial geomorphology, with particular interest in post-wildfire sediment dynamics, coastal sedimentology, watershed scale sediment fingerprinting, and microplastic pollution.
2018 Spring Dinner Meeting
On March 8, 2018, SoCal SETAC hosted University of California Santa Barbara's Dr. Arturo Keller to discuss the Environmental Implications of Nanotechnology.
2017 Fall Dinner Meeting
SoCal SETAC hosted the Fall Dinner meeting at Bagby Beer Company in Oceanside on October 5, 2017. Dr. David Weller from the Marine Mammal Turtle Division at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center provided an overview of emerging concerns of bottlenose dolphins off Southern California based on 30+ years of research.

2017 Spring Dinner Meeting
SoCal SETAC hosted the Spring Dinner meeting in San Pedro on February 23, 2017. Mas Dojiri, PhD, BCES from the Environmental Monitoring Division of LA Sanitation discussed the 1-mile diversion monitoring program of the Hyperion Treatment Plant.