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2021 Annual Meeting


Schedule - Monday May 6th

8:30 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast


9:30 A.M. Welcome and Announcements

Keith Maruya, SoCal SETAC Past President


Toxicity Testing for California’s Waterways

Facilitated by Chris Stransky, SoCal SETAC President


9:40 A.M. State Water Board toxicity provisions

Karen L. Mogus


10:00 A.M. Challenges with aquatic toxicity testing: problem resolution in regulatory settings

Stephen L. Clark


10:20 A.M. Site-specific water quality objectives: applications of water-effect ratios

Ashley N. Parks

10:40 A.M. Break

11:00 A.M. An environmentally relevant approach for stormwater toxicity testing compliance monitoring

Molly Colvin


11:20 A.M. Evolution of a NPDES permit- Novel implementation strategies for stormwater compliance monitoring at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, CA

Rolf Schottle


11:40 A.M. Strategies for increasing success rates of toxicity identification evaluation studies (TIEs)

Peter Arth

12:10 P.M. Lunch

General Session #1

Facilitated by Wendy Hovel, SoCal SETAC Board Member


1:40 P.M. Overabundance of microRNA 133b induces oil-like cardiotoxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos

Justin B. Greer*

2:00 P.M. Transcriptomic analysis of juvenile mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus) epidermal mucus as a noninvasive monitoring tool for effects of Deepwater Horizon oil exposure

Nicolette Andrzejczyk*

2:20 P.M. Evaluating the impact of wastewater effluent discharge into the Santa Ana River

Gary T. Harraka* 


2:40 P.M. The sea anemone Anthropleura sola: A potential indicator of coastal waters health

Kelly E. Govenar*

3:00 P.M. Detection, characterization, and classification of bacteria using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy coupled with machine learning approaches

Robert George*


3:20 P.M. Break

General Session #2

Facilitated by Nick Hayman, SoCal SETAC Board Member


3:40 P.M. Urban recreational fisheries: Implications for public health in metro-Phoenix

Daniel A. Lucas*


4:00 P.M. Patterns of mercury cycling in the profundal zone of Hodges Reservoir, California

Marc Beutel


4:20 P.M. Are microplastic measurements comparable and do they reflect reality?

Win C. Cowger*


4:40 P.M. Microfibers pollution: Global monitoring initiative

Dimitri D. Deheyn


5-5:30 P.M. Break and Poster Setup

Poster Social

5:30–7:30 P.M. POSTER SOCIAL

Appetizers, beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be served

Schedule - Tuesday May 7th

8:30 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 A.M. Welcome and Announcements

Chris Stransky, SoCal SETAC President

Screening for Emerging Contaminants

Facilitated by Keith Maruya, SoCal SETAC Past President

9:10 A.M. Novel screening methods to assess environmental contaminants in aquatic environments

Alvine C. Mehinto


9:30 A.M. Multi- and transgenerational effects of environmental stressors:

responses in a euryhaline model and implications for risk assessment

S. Brander


9:50 A.M. Non-targeted analysis in environmental contaminant monitoring

Eunha Hoh


10:10 A.M. Break

General Session #3

Facilitated by Scott Coffin, State Water Board


10:40 A.M. The impacts of developmental thyroid disruption on immune function and the immune response in the fathead minnow

Leah M. Thornton Hampton*


11:00 A.M. Update from SETAC North America

Leah M. Thornton Hampton, Graduate Student Representative, SETAC N/A Board of Directors

11:10 A.M. Leveraging zebrafish to identify chemicals disrupting early development

Sara M. Vliet*


11:30 A.M. Assessing marine disrupting compounds in the critically endangered California condor and marine mammals

M.E. Stack*


11:50 A.M. Detection of microcystins in water samples from Los Angeles area waterbodies

Bowen Du

12:10 P.M. Lunch

1:30 P.M. CLOSING CEREMONY: Board recognition, Student Presentation Awards, and Raffle Prizes

2:30 P.M. Adjourn

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